Suction Buckets

Offshore Wind Design AS can deliver suction bucket foundations to offshore wind projects for the bottom fixed offshore wind industry.
Using the experience and engineering skills from the subsea oil and gas industry, we and our partners can provide design support only or a complete EPC project.
This include manufacturing, testing and delivery for the suction bucket foundations that can be easily integrated into the offshore wind jacket foundations at any site worldwide.
Proprietary Cost Reduction Technology
The offshore wind foundations, anchors and mooring are a substantial cost element of the offshore wind farm CAPEX. Due to complex and uncertain soil and seabed conditions and often conservative geotechnical design parameters, the suction assisted foundations, such as suction anchors and buckets are normally overdesigned. For an offshore wind farm with hundreds of foundation structures, this is not sustainable. Offshore Wind Design AS has invented technology, methods and solutions that can safely reduce the dimensions, weight and required suction and hence significantly reduce cost for offshore wind farms.
Suction Bucket Foundations for Offshore Wind
Suction bucket foundations are mostly used as foundation for offshore wind jackets but can also be used as foundations for monopiles in shallow waters. The jacket structure transfers the loads from the turbine, wind, waves and current into the buckets, normally 3 or 4 off. During installation, the buckets penetrate the seabed by self-weight and suction is thereafter applied for the hydrostatic pressure to drive the foundations to target depth.

Engineering, Analysis and Design of Suction Bucket Foundations
To reduce cost, in-depth knowledge of how to design, engineer and analyse suction buckets for offshore wind applications are required. Together with our geotechnical and technology partners, Offshore Wind Design AS can perform all required analysis and calculations according to the appropriate offshore wind codes and standards and recommendations. We also evaluate the hazards, uncertainties and perform risk minimization assessment.